Art and Crafts Movement 1880's

Are they all ornamental

Arts and crafts rejected the use of machinery because they believed that the hands could do and reform much more than technology. Everything was done with the hands and the man who did such was a theorist named John Ruskin.

Industrialisation is known to be the biggest change of society. Arts and Crafts caries a heavily ornamented style which has a similarity as the Victorian Era or the mediaeval. 

Industrialisation changed the mindset and the visual landscape(the physical typography) of how things are seen in the modern day and age, this allowed the mass production to cheap low quality goods. Arts and Crafts was inspired by the Fona and Flaura which where he natural motives.

This is what Arts and Crafts looked like back then:

Past Arts and Crafts

William Morris
Date: 1880-1910
Accessed: 10-02-16

The image above is a good example of Art and Crafts in 1880-1910. The image was done by a textile designer named William Morris who saw Arts and Crafts as a social reform to society. He then gave the society beautiful work through the movement.

Morris stayed true to his materials hence he created a pattern in everything he did and stayed on using the natural qualities of his materials. Why this image is a good example is because it was created during the time of the Arts and Crafts and i9t was hand crafted hence raised the status of design to be known as the image being part of the Arts and Crafts Movement.

Contemporary Arts and Crafts

Lisa Call
Accessed: 10-02-16
Blog posted: 2006

The contemporary image  was done by a contemporary artist named Lisa Call. This image reflects the Arts and Crafts movement because of the look and feel that it carries, and better yet it was crafted by hand. The contemporary image is more relaxed and free than the work done by William Morris, this may be because through the years of Arts and Crafts design, typography and art changed drastically. However keeping the unique features of the Arts and Crafts movement the image still carries the specifications.

In the new generation of using machinery to print, this image was made by hand because a machine and never refine such detail and abstraction unless it was done by hand first then printed after.


  1. Thank you for your submission. Pay attention to your spelling and grammar. You provided a concise explanation of the Arts and Craft movement. However there were more stylistic tendencies that you could have mentioned. Your contemporary example seems to be a bit of a stretch. It is a creative approach and the argument about it being hand mad does carry value, but I think you could have said more. Is there more of a correlation between Lisa Call’s work and the Arts and Craft? Maybe the intention behind the work?


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