
Showing posts from February, 2017

Post Impressionism

What is Post-Impressionism? Post-impressionism happened after the Impressionism movement that featured the artists: Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne and Edouard Manet. These godfathers of Impressionism were the reason Post-impressionism was born. They influenced the Post-Impressionism godfathers by creating different impressions in each art. In Post-Impressionism it was what the artist saw which was the subject impression of Post-impressionism. Post-impressionism was developed by the artists Vincent Van Gogh,  Georges Serat, Paul Cezanne and Paul Gaugin. These forefathers created different distinct styles that shared the common motivation of creating impressions in their artworks. Georges Serat  He saw himself as a classical painter. He was the painter that created his artworks using Pointillism. Paul Cezanne He constructed an image rather than depicting it. He thought about how all the elements of the object, how they would work together example line, texture etc

Art and Crafts Movement 1880's

Are they all ornamental Arts and crafts rejected the use of machinery because they believed that the hands could do and reform much more than technology. Everything was done with the hands and the man who did such was a theorist named John Ruskin. Industrialisation is known to be the biggest change of society. Arts and Crafts caries a heavily ornamented style which has a similarity as the Victorian Era or the mediaeval.  Industrialisation changed the mindset and the visual landscape(the physical typography) of how things are seen in the modern day and age, this allowed the mass production to cheap low quality goods. Arts and Crafts was inspired by the Fona and Flaura which where he natural motives. This is what Arts and Crafts looked like back then: Past Arts and Crafts William Morris Date: 1880-1910 Unknown Accessed: 10-02-16 The image above is a good example of Art and Crafts in 1880-1910. The image wa

Introduction to what the Art History Movement is about

Intro to Art History Modernism blogging The purpose of this blog is to gather information on the each art movement that will be discussed in a lesson. This blog will analyse and compare including examples from my own visual culture on how each art movement impacted the 20th century. Furthermore, the blog will discuss what each art movement means and what details it had during the time it was discovered. T hese are the Art Movements: .Arts and crafts movement .Imperssionism and Post-impressionism .Art Nouveau .The Glasgow Four andViennesee Secession .Futurism .Cubism .Expressionism .Dada .Surrealism .De Stijl .Constructivism .Bauhaus .Abstract Expressionism .Pop Art At the end of each lesson, I am required to reflect on the art movement learnt by means of an online blog. The blog provides more information on each Art movement we learn in each lesson. The blog will have information that could help understand the Art History better. It will benefit in knowin